1: Intro
2: Mil’s Trills Marching Band
3: Community
4: Calypso
5: BroOklyn
6: Breakfast in Bed
7: Mother May I?
8: Lomi
9: Sousaphone Moose
10: Mil’s Trills Marching Band Reprise
11: Washboard Jack
12: Chocolate
13: You Have My Heart
Track 1 : Intro
I was playin’ on the street one day
Playing ukulele trills,
When somebody passed by and said,
“Girl, you give me chills!”
I said, “Hey you, stop right there! Do you wanna lend a hand?
I’m looking for some folks to join my band!”
This guy, he had ten friends
And we picked up a few more
Until there were a hundred hands playing on the score.
We could reach a million if you lend a hand
In the Mil’s Trills Marching Band!
Track 2: Mil’s Trills Marching Band
Sometimes people ask us,
“How big can you get?”
Well, we keep on growing and we haven’t stopped yet!
We could reach a zillion, if you lend a hand
In the Mil’s Trills Marching Band!
We keep multiplying as people hear our song.
They jump on the bandwagon and sing right along.
We could reach a gabillion if you lend a hand
In the Mil’s Trills Marching Band!
Zip zwap biddly bop skweetaten taten bee bop boo dwap
Track 3: Community
Come and be a part of the community
There’s plenty of room for you, me, he and she.
We’re living with each other in the neighborhood,
So won’t you come along? You will? GOOD!
There are lots of people working hard to keep us safe.
When you see them on the street won’t you give them a wave?
Like the fireman (woohoo) and the policeman (woohoo)
And the crossing guard who stops the cars so we can …
Walk and be a part of the community,
There’s plenty of room for you, me, he and she.
We’re living with each other in the neighborhood,
So won’t you come along? You will? GOOD!
There are lots of people helping us grow,
Like the doctor who checks us from head to toe.
The grocery stand has food so we eat right.
And our parents make sure that we sleep tight.
The man in the moon, well he plays the kazoo!
Everyone together now, everyone together!
Every every every everyone, every everyone!
If one day the rain starts to fall,
The next day the sun shines on the wall.
You’ll always have friends and family
And strumming on my ukulele.
Everyone together now, everyone together!
Every every every everyone, every everyone!
Walk and be a part of the community,
There’s plenty of room for you, me, he and she.
We’re living with each other in the neighborhood,
So won’t you come along?
Track 4: Calypso
Calling all kiddos to come dance Calypso!
Take your body and spin around.
The sun is so yellow when you dance Calypso.
So, come on show us how you get down!
The men they think that they’re rough,
Competitive and tough.
But when they see a lovely lady,
Well, they turn to mush!
Calling all kiddos to come dance Calypso!
Take your body and spin around.
The sun is so yellow when you dance Calypso.
So, come on show us how you get down!
Maybe it’s the way you wear your hair,
The way your hips swing here to there.
Whatever trails you be leavin’,
It’s giving him a good reason to stare!
Calling all kiddos to come dance Calypso!
Take your body and spin around.
The sun is so yellow when you dance Calypso.
So, come on show us how you get down!
It happens quite suddenly,
He gets down right on one knee.
He pops the cork and the question,
And the rest is history!
Calling all kiddos to come dance Calypso!
Take your body and spin around.
The sun is so yellow when you dance Calypso.
So, come on show us how you get down!
To all the daddies, just look and see,
Your baby mommy is so happy!
Another child? Could it be?
It is the season, I’m only teasin’, ha!
Calling all kiddos to come dance Calypso!
Take your body and spin around.
The sun is so yellow when you dance Calypso.
So, come on show us how you get down!
Track 5: BroOklyn
Dwevo bedoop dop drumdop vew dodiema boop
Birds sing in the trees,
Squirrels in the leaves,
Pigeons are the thieves of the city.
Hear the horn, hear it honk.
High heels hear the clonk.
Water from the pump in the city.
I said “Yo” (YO!)
Do ya know (KNOW!)
What borough (OH!)
We’re living in?
I said “Bro” (BRO!)
D’ya know (NO!)
That it’s BR double O K-L-Y-N!
It’s the hiss of the bus,
That I missed just because,
I was busy steering clear of a pile of slush.
On the corner there’s a grate,
And I am always running late,
My superior is irate in the city.
It’s the song of the ice-cream truck.
It’s comin’ round the corner, my luck!
Sitting on the stoop with my ice-cream scoop,
Got my posse and my peeps,
And they’re keepin’ me in the loop!
Vwevop bobweyo skeyop dibbly bop bop
I said “Yo” (YO!)
Do ya know (KNOW!)
What borough (OH!)
We’re living in?
I said “Bro” (BRO!)
D’ya know (NO!)
That it’s BR double O K-L-Y-N!
Track 6: Breakfast in Bed
Woke up this morning,
My eyes are heavy as lead.
I feel my body sinking into my bed.
I’ll be in trouble if I don’t wake up soon.
But how can I leave this warm and cozy cocoon.
Ahhh – I think I’ll stay here instead.
Ahhh – I’ll have my breakfast in bed.
Ahhh – I’ll have some jam on my bread.
Slowly slowly I might as well be a slug.
I swing my legs over the bed and touch the rug.
I try with all my might to sit up.
But then I yawn and I fall back I’m not getting’ up!
Ahhh – I think I’ll stay here instead
Ahhh – I’ll have my breakfast in bed
Ahhh – I’ll have a hard-boiled egg
The way that I like it
I’ll have my breakfast in bed!
You can imagine my surprise
When I pried opened my eyes
My room turned into a restaurant!
The smell of coffee brewing,
And freshly baked croissants
A maitre’d walked and asked me,
“What do you want?”
If you could have anything you ever wanted for breakfast, what would it be?
I know what I’ll have!
Ahhh – I’ll have tomatoes please
Ahhh – I’ll have some waffles and cheese.
Track 7: Mother May I?
Now listen closely, cuz we’re gonna play a little game. This game is called “Mother May I?” and all you have to do is listen and follow the moves that I call out. But, you can only do these moves if I say three magic words, which are: “Mother May I”. So, if I say something like, “Mother, may I jump up real high?” Well, you can go ahead and try – JUMP! Good! But, if I do NOT say Mother May I, than you may NOT do the moves. Get it? Got it? Good! Let’s go …
Mother, may I take baby steps?
Mother, may I take a leap?
Mother, may I swim & get wet?
Can I dance to the beat?
You didn’t say ‘Mother May I!’
I didn’t say Mother May I!
Mother, may I jump up real high?
Mother, may I twist & shake?
Mother, may I wave my hand up high?
Can I take a dance break?
NOOOO! You didn’t say ‘Mother May I!’
I didn’t say Mother May I!
Mother, may I get down on my knees?
Mother, may I touch the ground?
Mother, may I climb up some trees?
Can I make a silly sound?
NOOOO! You didn’t say ‘Mother May I!’
I didn’t say Mother May I!
Alright! Let’s try this one last time and see if we can get it right!
Mother, may I blink my eyes like this?
Mother, may I have my birthday wish?
Mother, may I give you a great big kiss?
You Got it!
Because I said Mother May I!
Track 8: Lomi
Little Lomi’s on the corner,
Little Lomi’s in the park.
Little Lomi likes to go under the covers where it’s dark.
Is Lomi a shark? No! She barks!
Little Lomi wears an overcoat and a little hat,
And when you throw a toy to Little Lomi, she brings it back!
Is Lomi a cat? No! She barks!
Little Lomi likes to lick and give you kisses when you weep.
Little Lomi als likes to lick when you’re completely fast asleep.
Is Lomi a sheep? No! She barks!
Little Lomi has a furry coat and she wags her tail,
When the postman opens up the gate and brings in the mail.
Is Lomi a snail? NO!
Ok, ok. Is she a whale? NO!
Is she a quail? No, silly!
Hmm, I know! Is she a nightingale? NO! She’s a dog!
Yeah, and what does she like to do?
She likes to bark!
That’s right!
She barks!
Track 9: Sousaphone Moose
Now listen closely, cuz I’m gonna tell you a story about a moose! A moose, who played the sou-sa-phone!
There was a moose who played the sousaphone,
And he called his mother on the telephone.
He played her everything he learned,
From Bach to Brahms to Beethov-ern.
Moose had a friend – a dog who loved to fetch trombones!
Oh, he’d dig ‘em up, play ‘em til the cows came home.
The two took a trip down to New Orleans,
To check out the clubs and music scenes.
The Brass family play instruments,
Like sousaphones, trombones & trumpets.
Can’t you hear them buzz their lips?
They’re warming up to play for ya, for ya.
On the way, they met a goose who honked her horn.
She’s been honky-tonk honkin’ since the day she was born.
Born and raised in Dixieland.
And the moose said, “Do you wanna join our band?”
The goose thought about it for a while and she umm’d and she ahh’d and she honk honk honked.
And finally she said, “You bet! But we need a clarinet!”
They searched the reeds of the ol’ Mississippi,
Until they found one very talented kitty kat playing on the clarinet.
They took her by the paw and headed to Mardis Gras.
The Brass family play instruments,
Like sousaphones, trombones & trumpets.
Can’t you hear them buzz their lips?
They’re warming up to play for ya, for ya
All of our families play instruments,
Like washboards and piccolos and clarinets.
How good it feels to make good friendships.
We’re all here to play for the for the …
Track 10: Mil’s Trills Marching Band Reprise
Mil’s Trills Marching Band.
We’re the Mil’s Trills Marching Band.
Mil’s Trills Marching Band.
We’re the Mil’s Trills Marching Band.
We’ll keep growin’ as the horns keep blowin’
We’ll keep growin’ as the horns keep …
Bweetdeep boppity bopbip bopdwee babiddly waoo
Track 11: Washboard Jack
Washboard Jack laid his washboard flat,
And he ate his dinner with a spoon.
A plate of spaghetti and then some jelly, piled high as the moon!
When he was done he smacked his tum and music he would he would sing.
Oh ol’ Jack could sing most anything.
“What kind of things did he sing about, Amelia?”
“You wanna know?”
“Well, he’d sing,”
My washboard is for ringin’ out! (My washboard is for ringin’ out!)
Not just dirty laundry (Not just dirty laundry)
My washboard is for piggin’ out (My washboard is for piggin’ out)
Not just when you’re hungry (Not just when you’re hungry)
Hear the washboard rhythm!
Can you do it with him?
On the count of three-ee-ee
1, 2, 1, 2, 3, GO!
Washboard Jack had a friend named Bill,
And the two would sit on the windowsill.
Eating pie and chicken fried right off the barbeque.grill.
When they were done they’d chew some tums, put a toothpick in their mouth.
Then they’d play some blues from way down south.
“What kind of things did they sing about, Amelia?”
“You wanna know?”
“Well, he’d sing,”
My washboard is for ringin’ out! (My washboard is for ringin’ out!)
Not just dirty laundry (Not just dirty laundry)
My washboard is for piggin’ out (My washboard is for piggin’ out)
Not just when you’re hungry (Not just when you’re hungry)
Hear his washboard rhythm!
Can you do it with him?
On the count of three-ee-ee
1, 2, 1, 2, 3, GO!
Track 12: Chocolate
I never asked for this before,
But I know one thing for sure.
That I want what you have to offer.
I see the smile on your face,
When you have a little taste.
Are you gonna give me a piece of dat?
Chocolate, Wo-oah.
Chocolate, Wo-oah.
Chocolate, Wo-oah.
If I ask nicely.
Be as sweet as I can be.
Bat my eyes and say please?
Give you something in return.
Sharing is a lesson learned.
Promise that I don’t have any germs!
Chocolate, Wo-oah.
Chocolate, Wo-oah.
Chocolate, Wo-oah.
Oh you make it look so good. I would have some if I could.
But you say it’s not for me. That’s just being greedy!
I know it’ll rot my teeth, but I’ve got new ones underneath.
Can’t we make a peaceful treaty? Made it speedy!
Chocolate, Wo-oah.
Chocolate, Wo-oah.
Chocolate, Wo-oah.
Track 13: You Have My Heart
I have my feet.
I have my hands.
I have my elbows
And I have my lungs.
I have my hips.
I have my fingertips.
I have my eyes and my ears and my nose and my mouth and my lips.
But you have my heart.
Yes you have my heart.
I have my esophagus.
I have my brain.
I have my skeleton.
And I have my knees.
I have my hips,
I have my fingertips.
I have my eyes and my ears and my nose and my mouth and my lips.
But you have my heart.
Yes you have my heart.
Yes, you have my heart.
Repeat after me!
You Have My Heart (You Have My Heart)
You Have My Heart (You Have My Heart)
You Have My Heart (You Have My Heart)
You Have My Heart (You Have My Heart)
Yes, You Have My Heart.
Yes You Have My Heart.
You Have My He-e-e-art